Robin's Blog

My talk at FOSS4G UK South West 2024

As always, this post is very delayed – apologies. In fact, I was encouraged to write this by a friend who I see at PyData Southampton (Hi, if you’re reading this!). I mentioned my talk in passing to her, and she asked if I’d blogged about it yet. I admitted that I hadn’t, and promised I would by the next PyData Southampton. Well, I totally failed at that – but there is another PyData Southampton meetup on Tuesday, so I’m going to get it done in time for that.

The FOSS4G UK South West conference 2024 took place in Bristol on 12th November. I gave a talk there entitled Using cloud-native geospatial technologies to build a web app for analysing and reducing flood risk, talking about some of the work I’ve done with the company I’m currently working with: Rebalance Earth.

The talk covers the development of a web app for looking at assets (businesses, buildings, substations etc) that are at risk from flooding in the UK, and comparing various flood scenarios to understand how risk could be reduced by Natural Flood Management strategies such as river restoration. After introducing Rebalance Earth and the web app itself, I talk about the technologies behind it and the ‘cloud native’ manner in which it was designed. I specifically cover generating Mapbox Vector Tiles on-the-fly from a PostGIS database, and generating raster tiles on-the-fly from COG files stored in cloud storage.

Full slides are available here. There is also a video recording of the talk available, but it’s a bit hard to watch as you can’t see the slides on the video.

Once you’ve had a look at my talk, don’t forget to check out the other talks that were given at the conference, they were great!

If you found this post useful, please consider buying me a coffee.
This post originally appeared on Robin's Blog.

Categorised as: Academic, GIS, Programming, Python, Remote Sensing

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