Another new-ish package that I’ve never got around to writing about on my blog is offline_folium. It has a somewhat niche use-case, but it seems like a few people have found it useful. In brief, it allows you to use the folium package for creating interactive maps from Python, but without an internet connection. Folium […]
In the spirit of my Previously Unpublicised Code series, today I’m going to share Pandas-FSDR. This is a simple library with one function which finds significant differences between two columns in a pandas DataFrame. For example, imagine you had the following data frame: Subject UK World Biology 50 40 Geography 75 80 Computing 100 50 […]
This is another entry in my ‘Previously Unpublicised Code’ series – explanations of code that has been sitting on my Github profile for ages, but has never been discussed publicly before. This time, I’m going to talk about BankClassify a tool for classifying transactions on bank statements into categories like Supermarket, Eating Out and Mortgage automatically. It is an […]
Another instalment in my Previously Unpublicised Code series…this time RPiNDVI, my code for displaying live NDVI images from the Raspberry Pi NoIR camera. It isn’t perfect, and it isn’t finished – but it does the job as a proof-of-concept. If you point the camera out of your window you should see high NDVI values (white) […]
My PhD was done through a Doctoral Training Centre, and as part of this I had a taught year at the beginning of my PhD. During the summer of this year I had to do a ‘Summer Project’, which was basically a MSc thesis. My thesis was called "Can a single cloud spoil the view?": modelling […]
Continuing my series of code that I’ve written in the past, and stuck up on Github, but never actually talked about…this post is about PyMicrotops: a Python library for processing data from the Microtops Sun Photometer. The Microtops (pictured above) measures light coming from the sun in a number of narrow wavebands, and then calculates […]
This entry in my series covers manifestoclouds: my code for producing word clouds from political party manifestos. This is very simple, generic code that just ties together a few libraries – and is by no means restricted to just political party manifestos – but I keep it around because I find it useful occasionally. I use […]
I was going to post this as one of my ‘previously unpublicised code’ posts, but that would be stretching the title a bit, as I have previously blogged about my implementation of the van Heuklon (1979) ozone model. This is just a brief update (in the spirit of my ‘previously unpublicised code’ posts) to say that […]
When looking through my profile on Github recently, I realised that I had over fifty repositories – and a number of these weren’t really used much by me anymore, but probably contained useful code that no-one really knows about! So, I’m going to write a series of posts giving brief descriptions of the code and […]