Robin's Blog

Archive for the ‘Python’ Category

A load more links

I did a post a while back which was just a lot of links to things I found interesting, mostly in the geospatial/data/programming sphere. Since then I’ve collected a lot more links – so here are some of them. The theme, such as there is, seems to be ‘this would have really helped me about […]

My talk at FOSS4G UK South West 2024

As always, this post is very delayed – apologies. In fact, I was encouraged to write this by a friend who I see at PyData Southampton (Hi, if you’re reading this!). I mentioned my talk in passing to her, and she asked if I’d blogged about it yet. I admitted that I hadn’t, and promised […]

Join the GeoTAM hackathon to work out business turnovers!

Summary: I’m involved in organising a hackathon, and I’d love you to take part. The open-source GeoTAM hackathon focuses on estimating turnover for individual business locations in the UK, from a variety of open datasets. Please checkout the hackathon page and sign up. There are prizes of up to £2,000! (Click image for a larger […]

I won two British Cartographic Society awards!

It’s been a while since I posted here – I kind of lost momentum over the summer (which is a busy time with a school-aged child) and never really picked it up again. Anyway, I wanted to write a quick post to tell people that I won two awards at the British Cartographic Society awards […]

Searching an aerial photo with text queries – a demo and how it works

Summary: I’ve created a demo web app where you can search an aerial photo of Southampton, UK using text queries such as "roundabout", "tennis court" or "ship". It uses vector embeddings to do this – which I explain in this blog post. In this post I’m going to try and explain a bit more about […]

Who reads my blog? Send me an email or comment if you do!

I’m interested to find out who is reading my blog. Following the lead of Jamie Tanna who was in turn copying Terence Eden (both of whose blogs I read), I’d like to ask people who read this to drop me an email or leave a comment on this post if you read this blog and […]

A load of links…

For months now I’ve been collecting a load of links saying that I’ll get round to blogging them "soon". Well, I’m currently babysitting for a friend’s daughter (who is sleeping peacefully upstairs), so I’ve finally found time to write them up. So, here are a load of links – a lot of them are geospatial- […]

Accessing Planetary Computer STAC files in DuckDB

Microsoft Planetary Computer is a wonderful archive of geospatial datasets (primarily raster images of various types), provided with a STAC catalog to enable them to be easily searched through an API. That’s fine for normal usage where you want to find a selection of images and access the images themselves, but less useful when you […]

Introducing offline_folium

Another new-ish package that I’ve never got around to writing about on my blog is offline_folium. It has a somewhat niche use-case, but it seems like a few people have found it useful. In brief, it allows you to use the folium package for creating interactive maps from Python, but without an internet connection. Folium […]