Get more detailed messages for maths errors in IDL
I’ve just discovered something that I feel I must share here – partly to make more people aware of it, and partly so I don’t forget it. In the IDL programming language you will sometimes find your program interrupted by a line saying something like:
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
Sometimes it will be obvious where the error is – but often you can spend ages looking for it (just like with segfaults in C…). What I only just found out is that if you run the command
At the IDL prompt before running your program you will get a far more informative error message like
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
% Detected at JUNK 3
The key thing is that this tells you what line the error occurred on (line 3 of in the above example) – which helps you to narrow down the problem far more quickly.
More details on the values that !EXCEPT can take is available here – basically the options are no messages, unhelpful messages and helpful messages.
This is very useful – but just beware that running with !EXCEPT=2 all the time will slow down your code, so only do it if you need to for debugging purposes.
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This post originally appeared on Robin's Blog.
Categorised as: Computing, IDL, Programming
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