Robin's Blog

Automatically generating a legend for a choropleth layer in Leaflet

Some work I’ve been doing recently has involved putting together a webmap using the Leaflet library. I’ve been very impressed with how Leaflet works, and the range of plugins available for it.

leaflet-choropleth is an extension for Leaflet that allows easy generation of choropleth maps in Leaflet. The docs for this module are pretty good, so I’ll just show a quick example of how to use it in a fairly basic way:

var layer_IMD = L.choropleth(geojson, {
        valueProperty: 'IMDRank',
        scale: ['red', 'orange', 'yellow'],
        style: {
            color: '#111111', // border color
            weight: 1,
            fillOpacity: 0.5,
            fillColor: '#ffffff'

This displays a choropleth based on the GeoJSON data in geojson, and uses a red-orange-yellow colourmap, basing the colours on the IMDRank property of each GeoJSON feature.

This will produce something like this – a map of Index of Multiple Deprivation values in Southampton, UK (read later if you want to see a Github repository of a full map):

One thing I wanted to do was create a legend for this layer in the Leaflet layers control. The leaflet-choropleth docs give an example of creating a legend, but I don’t really like the style, and the legend appears in a separate box rather than in the layers control for the map.

So, I put together a javascript function to create the sort of legend I wanted. For those who just want to use the function, it’s below. For those who want more details, read on…

function legend_for_choropleth_layer(layer, name, units, id) {
    // Generate a HTML legend for a Leaflet layer created using choropleth.js
    // Arguments:
    // layer: The leaflet Layer object referring to the layer - must be a layer using
    //        choropleth.js
    // name: The name to display in the layer control (will be displayed above the legend, and next
    //       to the checkbox
    // units: A suffix to put after each numerical range in the layer - for example to specify the
    //        units of the values - but could be used for other purposes)
    // id: The id to give the <ul> element that is used to create the legend. Useful to allow the legend
    //     to be shown/hidden programmatically
    // Returns:
    // The HTML ready to be used in the specification of the layers control
    var limits = layer.options.limits;
    var colors = layer.options.colors;
    var labels = [];

    // Start with just the name that you want displayed in the layer selector
    var HTML = name

    // For each limit value, create a string of the form 'X-Y'
    limits.forEach(function (limit, index) {
        if (index === 0) {
            var to = parseFloat(limits[index]).toFixed(0);
            var range_str = "< " + to;
        else {
            var from = parseFloat(limits[index - 1]).toFixed(0);
            var to = parseFloat(limits[index]).toFixed(0);
            var range_str = from + "-" + to;

        // Put together a <li> element with the relevant classes, and the right colour and text
        labels.push('<li class="sublegend-item"><div class="sublegend-color" style="background-color: ' +
            colors[index] + '"> </div> ' + range_str + units + '</li>');

    // Put all the <li> elements together in a <ul> element
    HTML += '<ul id="' + id + '" class="sublegend">' + labels.join('') + '</ul>';

    return HTML;

This function is fairly simple: it loops through the limits that have been defined for each of the categories in the choropleth map, and generates a chunk of HTML for each of the different categories (specifically, a <li> element), and these elements are put together and wrapped in a <ul> to produce the final HTML for the legend. We also set CSS classes for each element of the legend, so we can style them nicely later.

When setting up the layers control in Leaflet you pass an object mapping display names (the text you want displayed in the layers control) to Layer objects – something like this:

var layers = {
    'OpenStreetMap': layer_OSM,
    'IMD': layer_IMD

var layersControl = L.control.layers({},
    { collapsed: false }).addTo(map);

To use the function to generate a legend, replace the simple display name with a call to the function, wrapped in []‘s because of javascript’s weird inability to parse function calls in object keys. For example:

var layers = {
    'OpenStreetMap': layer_OSM,
    [legend_for_choropleth_layer(layer_IMD, 'IMD', '', 'legend_IMD')]: layer_IMD

Here we’re passing layer_IMD as the Layer object, IMD as the name to display above the legend, no units (so the empty string), and telling it to give the legend HTML element an ID of legend_IMD.

This produces a legend that looks something like this:

To get this nice looking legend, we use the following CSS:

.sublegend-color {
    width: 20px;
    border: 1px solid #666666;
    display: inline-block;
    opacity: 0.5;

.sublegend-item {
    padding-top: 0.2em;

.sublegend {
    list-style: none;
    padding-inline-start: 24px;
    margin-top: 0px;

Just for one final touch, I’d like the legend to disappear when the layer is ‘turned off’, and appear again when it is ‘turned on’ again. This is particularly useful when you have multiple choropleth layers on a map and the combined length of the legends make the layers control very long.

We can do this with a quick bit of jQuery (yes, I know it can be done in pure javascript, but I prefer using jQuery as it’s generally easier). Remember that one of the parameters to the legend_for_choropleth_layer function was the HTML ID to give the legend? Now you know why: we need to use that ID to hide and show the legend.

We connect to some of the Leaflet events to find out when the layers are turned on or off, and then use the jQuery hide and show methods. There’s one little niggle though: we have to use the setTimeout function to ensure that we only run this once – otherwise we get multiple events raised and it causes problems. So, the code to do this is:

layer_IMD.on('add', function () {
    // Need setTimeout so that we don't get multiple
    // onadd/onremove events raised
    setTimeout(function () {

layer_IMD.on('remove', function () {
    // Need setTimeout so that we don't get multiple
    // onadd/onremove events raised
    setTimeout(function () {

You can see how this works by looking at the final map here – try turning the IMD layer off and on again.

All of the code behind this example is available on Github if you want to check how it all fits together.

This work was done while analysing GIS data and producing a webmap for a freelancing client. If you’d like me to do something similar for you, have a look at my freelance website or email me.

If you found this post useful, please consider buying me a coffee.
This post originally appeared on Robin's Blog.

Categorised as: Academic, GIS, Programming


  1. […] on from my last post on plotting choropleth maps with the leaflet-choropleth library, I’m now going to talk about […]

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