Robin's Blog

Archive for the ‘Programming’ Category

Review: High Performance Python by Gorelick and Ozsvald

Summary: Fascinating book covering the whole breadth of high performance Python. It starts with detailed discussion of various profiling methods, continues with chapters on performance in standard Python, then focuses on high performance using arrays, compiling to C and various approaches to parallel programming. I learnt a lot from the book, and have already started improving […]

What’s new in Py6S

The last few months have seen a flurry of activity in Py6S – probably caused by procrastinating from working on my PhD thesis! Anyway, I thought it was about time that I summarised the various updates and new features which have been released, and gave a few more details on how to use them. These […]

Simple parameter files for Python class-based algorithms

As part of my PhD I’ve developed a number of algorithms which are implemented as a class in Python code. An example would be something like this: class Algorithm: def __init__(self, input_filename, output_basename, thresh, n_iter=10): self.input_filename = input_filename self.output_basename = output_basename self.thresh = thresh self.n_iter = n_iter def run(self): self.preprocess() self.do_iterations() self.postprocess() def preprocess(self): # […]

How to: Find out what modules a Python script requires

I do a lot of my academic programming in Python, and – even though I often write about the importance of reproducible research – I don’t always document my code very well. This sometimes leads to problems where I have some code running fine, but I don’t know which modules it requires. These could be […]

Software choices in remote sensing

I recently read the article Don’t be a technical masochist on John D. Cook’s blog, and it struck a chord with me about the way that I see people choosing software and programming tools in my field. John states "Sometimes tech choices are that easy: if something is too hard, stop doing it. A great […]