Summary: Very comprehensive and very useful, but not good for a beginner. Great book though – definitely has a place on my bookshelf. Reference: Adler, J., 2010, R in a Nutshell, O’Reilly, Sebastopol, CA, 611 pagesO’Reilly Link After reviewing a book about R designed for beginners (see my previous post) I thought I’d step up […]
Summary: If you can get past the strange underlying story, then this gives a good introduction to R to someone with no programming experience. However, if you have any experience with other programming languages then another book is likely to be more suitable. Reference: Quick, J. M., Statistical Analysis in R: Beginners Guide, Packt Publishing, […]
Summary: Very unusual approach, but also provides an interesting new view of geography. Reference: De Landa, M. 1997 A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History, Zone Books, New York. 333 pages. [amazon_link id="0942299329" target="_blank" ]Amazon Link[/amazon_link] When dipping into a chapter entitled Geological History 1000-1700 AD one would expect to find information on rock types, the development […]
Summary: More mathematical than I thought it would be, but very thorough and well explained. I thought that there would be more instruction in how to program in IDL and use the ENVI API, but much of this can be learnt by examining the code given in the book. The book is very comprehensive and […]