Robin's Blog

Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

Review: R Graphs Cookbook by Hrishi Mittal

Summary: Very useful for reference while producing graphs, and very comprehensive (including heat-maps, 3D graphs and maps). Reference: Mittal, H. V., 2011, R Graph Cookbook, Packt Publishing, Birmingham, UK, 272 pages, Publisher’s Website As a scientist I often need to plot graphs of my data, so I am keen to learn more about how to […]

Review: Python Geospatial Development by Erik Westra

Summary: Great book – both for GIS concepts and for teaching Python libraries. Lives up to the boast on the front cover – you really will learn to create complete mapping applications, learning a lot of useful tools and techniques on the way. Reference: Westra, E., 2010, Python Geospatial Development, Packt Publishing, Birmingham, UK, 508 […]

Review: The Geek Atlas by John Graham-Cumming

Summary: Very interesting, and great fun for a geek like me! Now I just need to find the time/money to visit these places… Reference: Graham-Cumming, J., 2009, The Geek Atlas, O’Reilly, 544 pages O’Reilly Link I’m a great fan of John Graham Cumming’s blog, so when the chance came to review his book, The Geek […]

Review: R in a Nutshell by Joseph Adler

Summary: Very comprehensive and very useful, but not good for a beginner. Great book though – definitely has a place on my bookshelf. Reference: Adler, J., 2010, R in a Nutshell, O’Reilly, Sebastopol, CA, 611 pagesO’Reilly Link After reviewing a book about R designed for beginners (see my previous post) I thought I’d step up […]

Review: Statistical Analysis with R: Beginner’s Guide by John M. Quick

Summary: If you can get past the strange underlying story, then this gives a good introduction to R to someone with no programming experience. However, if you have any experience with other programming languages then another book is likely to be more suitable. Reference: Quick, J. M., Statistical Analysis in R: Beginners Guide, Packt Publishing, […]

Review: A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History by Manuel De Landa

Summary: Very unusual approach, but also provides an interesting new view of geography. Reference: De Landa, M. 1997 A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History, Zone Books, New York. 333 pages. [amazon_link id="0942299329" target="_blank" ]Amazon Link[/amazon_link] When dipping into a chapter entitled Geological History 1000-1700 AD one would expect to find information on rock types, the development […]