Last week I attended PyCon UK 2018 in Cardiff, and had a great time. I’m going to write a few posts about this conference – and this first one is focused on my talk. I spoke in the ‘PyData’ track, with a talk entitled XArray: the power of pandas for multidimensional arrays. PyCon UK always do […]
Back in 2012, I wrote the following editorial for SENSED, the magazine of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society. I found it recently while looking through back issues, and thought it deserved a wider audience, as it is still very relevant. I’ve made a few updates to the text, but it is mostly as published. […]
I’ve posted before about the cloud frequency map that I created using Google Earth Engine. This post is just a quick update to mention a couple of changes. Firstly, I’ve produced some nice pretty maps of the data from 2017 over Europe and the UK respectively. I posted the Europe one to the DataIsBeautiful subreddit […]
I really enjoy reading blogs. That seems to be a slightly outdated view, as many people have moved over to using Twitter exclusively, but I like being able to follow everything that a specific person writes, and seeing mostly long-form articles rather than off-the-cuff comments. Back in the day, when blogs were really popular, every […]
I’ve just realised that I haven’t posted about the last few papers that I’ve authored. Some of these came from before I stopped paid work due to ill-health, and some were based on work that was done before I stopped work, but have only been published since. Anyway, on with the papers: Rapid and near […]
In the last post in this series, I showed some pretty maps of roadside leafiness, created by extracting NDVI values near roads – like this: This time, I want to move away from pretty images to some numerical analysis – and also move from a local scale to a national scale. My first question was: […]
If you just want to see some pretty maps of roadside leafiness then scroll down…otherwise, start at the top to find out how I did this. I’ve recently started doing a little bit of satellite imaging work again, and started off with a project that was inspired by a post on James O’Connor’s blog. He […]
I haven’t posted anything on this blog for a long time – sorry about that. I’ve been quite ill, and had a new baby – so blogging hasn’t been my top priority. Hopefully I’ll manage some slightly more regular posts now. Anyway, on with the post… I recently needed to delete some attribute columns from a […]
I use data from the AERONET network of sun photometers a lot in my work, and do a lot of processing of the data in Python. As part of this I usually want to load the data into pandas – but because of the format of the data, it’s not quite as simple as it […]
There was a question recently on the Py6S mailing list about what data sources are best to use to provide atmospheric parameters (such as AOT, water vapour and ozone) for use with 6S, other atmospheric Radiative Transfer Models (such as MODTRAN) or other atmospheric correction algorithms (such as ATCOR). In the spirit of ‘reply to […]