Linear regression is often used to estimate the relationship between two variables – basically by drawing the ‘line of best fit’ on a graph. The mathematical method that is used for this is known as Least Squares, and aims to minimise the sum of the squared error for each point. The key question here is how do […]
When looking through my profile on Github recently, I realised that I had over fifty repositories – and a number of these weren’t really used much by me anymore, but probably contained useful code that no-one really knows about! So, I’m going to write a series of posts giving brief descriptions of the code and […]
I bought a new laptop recently, and just realised that I hadn’t installed two great IPython extensions that I always try to install whenever I set up a new IPython environment – so I thought I’d blog about them to let the world (well, my half-a-dozen readers) know. They’re both written by MinRK – one […]
(This is really Part 2 of IPython tips, tricks & notes – Part 1, but I thought I’d give it a more self-explanatory title) IPython (sorry, Jupyter!) notebooks are really great for interactively exploring data, and then turning your analyses into something which can easily be sent to a non-technical colleague (by adding some Markdown and […]
By time this blog post is published, I will have finished my presentation about recipy at EuroSciPy (see the abstract for my talk), and so I thought it would be a good time to introduce recipy to the wider world. I’ve been looking for something like recipy for ages – and I suggested the idea […]
Summary: I’ve developed an interactive cloud frequency map, available here. It may be particularly useful for satellite imaging researchers working out where they can acquire imagery easily. One of the major issues with optical satellite imaging is that you can’t see through clouds: so normally when its cloudy, you can’t get anything useful from your images. […]
Google have recently introduced a new way of loading their javascript APIs: their Google API Loader. To use it, all you do is add a script tag in your HTML: <script src=””></script> You can then load whatever Google APIs you want using code like this: google.load(‘visualization’, ‘1.0’); google.load(‘jquery’, ‘1’); google.load(‘maps’, ‘3’); google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { console.log(‘Callback’) }); […]
During the last week, I attended the Next Generation Computational Modelling (NGCM) Summer Academy at the University of Southampton. Three days were spent on a detailed IPython course, run by MinRK, one of the core IPython developers, and two days on a Pandas course taught by Skipper Seaborn and Chris Fonnesbeck. The course was very […]
At the end of my last post I left you with a taster of what Part 2 would provide: a way of producing automatically-updating graphs of power usage over time. Part 1 was based purely on Python code that would run on any system (Windows, Linux or OS X) but this part will require a […]
After borrowing a CurrentCost electricity usage meter from my local library (if you’re in the area, then Eastleigh library will loan you one for free!), I decided to buy one, as I’d found it very useful in trying to reduce my electricity usage. The benefit of buying one as opposed to borrowing one was that […]