- March 17th A load more links
- March 14th My talk at FOSS4G UK South West 2024
- November 26th The Feynman approach to small monetary compensation
- October 1st I won two British Cartographic Society awards!
- June 28th A load of links…
- June 10th Introducing offline_folium
- May 16th Some matplotlib tips – a reblog
- May 13th I was interviewed on a podcast!
- May 9th New Projects page on my website
- April 1st Some easy recipes
- March 26th My geospatial PDF talk at FOSS4G 2021
- February 20th How to easily reload a QGIS layer
- March 6th Travel times, over time
- November 16th A Python sqlite3 context manager gotcha
- January 20th Favourite books I read in 2019
- January 10th Talks I’m giving this year
- October 29th Five new-ish Python things – Part 1
- October 2nd Calculating Rayleigh Reflectance using Py6S
- September 26th Automatically annotating a boxplot in matplotlib
- January 16th Bid for a day’s work from me
- October 23rd I give talks – on science, programming and more
- September 28th PyCon UK 2018: My talk on xarray
- May 17th Assumptions in Remote Sensing
- May 11th Android + OpenCV = Confusion…
- May 3rd Attending EGU in a wheelchair
- April 30th Blogroll
- April 23rd Some recent papers of mine
- April 17th Roadside leafiness from space – Part 2
- April 3rd Roadside leafiness from space – Part 1
- March 10th Quick way to delete columns from a shapefile
- July 25th Showing code changes when teaching
- April 15th Previously Unpublicised Code: RPiNDVI
- March 17th Ten Little IDL programs in Python
- February 24th Hacking the Worcester Wave thermostat in Python – Part 3
- February 11th Hacking the Worcester Wave thermostat in Python – Part 2
- January 20th Deprecating AutoZotBib
- January 6th Previously Unpublicised Code: PyMicrotops
- December 30th My 2015 Python life
- December 23rd My top 5 ‘new’ Python modules of 2015
- December 19th An easy way to install Jupyter Notebook extensions
- December 15th Convolution in python – which function to use?
- December 12th Previously Unpublicised Code: manifestoclouds
- December 7th Bokeh plots with DataFrame-based tooltips
- November 24th Calculating percentiles in Python – use numpy not scipy!
- November 17th van Heuklon ozone model now available on PyPI and conda
- November 11th Happy 7th Birthday Blog!
- November 10th Orthogonal Distance Regression in Python
- November 6th Previously Unpublicised Code: RTWIDL
- October 26th Two great IPython extensions
- August 3rd How I became Dr Robin Wilson: Part 2
- July 25th How I became Dr Robin Wilson: Part 1
- June 29th IPython tips, tricks & notes – Part 1
- September 19th Review: High Performance Python by Gorelick and Ozsvald
- July 24th What’s new in Py6S
- March 31st Software choices in remote sensing
- March 1st New Py6S and RTWTools websites
- November 10th The benefits of an academic website
- March 13th John Snow’s Cholera data in more formats
- January 1st My first academic paper – on Py6S
- January 1st Major update to Free GIS Data site
- September 30th Validating the validation?
- September 25th Updated Snow GIS data
- September 20th I signed the Science Code Manifesto – and you should too!
- September 7th In praise of ProjectTemplate for reproducible research
- February 24th Producing polar contour plots with matplotlib
- November 13th How to choose a co-ordinate transformation in ArcGIS
- November 10th Free Julian Day calendar poster download
- November 2nd Please use sensible colours in your maps
- October 23rd Standard test images for Remote Sensing
- October 22nd Rules of thumb in Remote Sensing
- October 2nd Fun with the OS Gazetteer
- July 15th The new iPython is awesome!
- June 16th Categorised list of Free GIS Datasets
- May 23rd Why I hate my Toshiba laptop
- May 22nd Review: Dreamhost web hosting
- May 21st Alfred – the new Quicksilver?
- May 21st My programming journey
- May 11th The best debugger is a good compiler
- April 29th How to: Consolidate your internet presence
- April 8th My LaTeX preamble
- April 3rd Amazing software you haven’t heard of
- March 11th Review: R Graphs Cookbook by Hrishi Mittal
- February 14th Review: The Geek Atlas by John Graham-Cumming
- January 27th My favourite OS X software
- January 22nd Git + DTerm = Great Source Control in OS X
- January 17th Review: R in a Nutshell by Joseph Adler
- January 10th Small Notes from a French Country
- January 9th How to: Reset the Software Update URL in OS X
- December 15th Coughs on a train
- December 12th My 3 favourite things about my MacBook Pro
- December 11th Lessons learnt from: My dissertation
- November 24th Finally…a nice way to download satellite images!
- September 6th Leaky abstractions in science
- September 3rd Default deny: A signal of academic maturity?
- August 23rd How to: Fix sudden VPN problem in Vista
- August 2nd Aeolian Philosophy or “What is a sand dune?”
- August 1st My academic values
- June 16th Art: in other words?
- November 11th Wisdom and Knowledge